Measure the Resolution
Each year around this time I engage in a little ritual. I review the passing year up against my goals that I set at its beginning, to see how I did. But here's the problem with a lot of this past year's goals — they're immeasurable. I'll give you an example. Last year, in a pious moment, I wrote, "Pray more powerfully." I also wrote, "Be a better father," and "work on my character."
"But Adam," you say, "how will you know if you've actually achieved any of these goals?" Heck if I know. And that's the point.
So here's my approach this year: Measure the resolution. I'm going to set goals that I can measure in some quantitative way. I'm reading a biography of Jonathan Edwards at the moment, and have been blown away by the specificity of his resolutions. So, here's mine:
Resolved: to make resolutions I can measure, so I can know if I've actually achieved anything.
If you make some measurable resolutions, let me know how it goes.